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Top 8 Vancouver Christmas Gifts that Support Your Vibrant Local Community

Christmas can be a lot. Especially when it comes to gifts. Honestly, doesn’t it sometimes seem like a lot of the more stressful and negative aspects of the season are connected to our gift-giving traditions? All the thinking, shopping, spending, and consuming?

We get that, but we believe there’s a way to approach giving that deeply honours the intention of the holiday. And that’s to simply focus on shopping local. By doing that, you’re being deeply generous to the community you’re a part of. That’s good for you and everyone around you.

After all, consider these facts:

For every $100 you spend on local businesses, about $68-73 fuels local economic activity. That’s because the local business-owner you supported is going to turn around and spend their profits on other local businesses, farms, and service providers.

According to another calculation, shopping locally ensures that 48% of what you spent returns to the local economy—while only 14% sticks around when you spend the same amount at a chain store.

We love what Fay Bound Alberti has to say about the concept of community. She says that in order to feel at home in a place, you must be emotionally and practically committed to the other people living there. In fact, the word “community” comes from the Latin word “communitas” which refers to the “wealth we have in common”. It means that when we are members of a community, we share resources, both giving and taking. It means we support each other in very practical ways.

So, Christmas can be an extremely practical opportunity to express this community spirit. With that in mind, here are a few great ideas for holiday gifts that support local Vancouver businesses, including local Vancouver Christmas gift baskets.


  1. Festive Favorites Market Tour

Christmas Classics Festive Favourites Market Tour by Vancouver Foodie Tours

Granville Island is a magical place during Christmas, bursting with holiday décor and seasonal treats. The Festive Favorites Market Tour is also an amazing way to support multiple Vancouver artisans at once. Give the gift of an immersive, festive, sensory holiday experience.

  1.   Macaron tower, from Bon Macaron

A macaron tower? A single macaron—that brightly-coloured, adorably shaped French delicacy—is pretty. A tower of them makes a pretty spectacular statement. Plus, we love Bon Macaron, who have been doing what they do so well in Vancouver since 2015.

  1. Mom’s the Word: Talkin’ Turkey, Arts Club

Mom's the word: Talkin' Turkey poster

Here’s another idea for those in your Christmas shopping list who prefer an experience: a ticket or two to “Talkin’ Turkey”, the latest play by the hilarious Mom’s the World Collective. They always deliver, as they put it, a “special recipe of raw humour and humanity”. Support local arts!

  1. Vancouver Christmas Market

Christmas markets are a traditional fixture of European life, and we understand why. There’s something so fun and connecting about strolling around, taking in the sights and sounds of a market. Get your loved one a pair of tickets and they’ll be able to eat, drink, enjoy rides, take in entertainment and more.

  1. Peak of Christmas, Grouse Mountain

 Peak of Christmas, Grouse Mountain

Another incredible holiday experience you can give: Grouse Mountain’s Peak of Christmas. Every year, this iconic ski hill puts up lights, brings in real reindeer, and hosts a magical skating event on Blue Grouse Lake. Unmissable!

  1. Charcuterie and Cheese Box

 Charcuterie and Cheese from Granville Island Delivery Co.

This is the ultimate local Vancouver Christmas gift basket for the gourmand in your life. Featuring a curation of perfectly complementary cheeses and hand-cured meats, it’s a balance of sweet, sour, and savoury.

  1.  Holiday Bonbons Gift Set, Mink Chocolate

Another lovely local Vancouver Christmas gift basket option—this one geared towards the sweet-toothed—is Mink’s Holiday Bonbons Gift set. Honestly, these chocolates are works of art, so intricately painted that they’re almost hard to bite into—almost!

  1. Tea Set from Granville Island Tea Company

Granville Island Tea Co.

Not only does Granville Island Tea Company have the most expansive curation of teas, but they also have a selection of beautiful teapots in their store. Visit them and create your perfect teatime gift package. 


So, with these ideas to spark your imagination, we hope that finding gifts for loved ones is a truly meaningful part of the season. When you choose to shop local, you’re investing into the community, and that brings a feeling of deep belonging. Remember all the “wealth we have in common” and keep circulating it around this beautiful city!

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